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    PICO® SMART is based on an advanced acquisition board called SAU that offers new advanced capabilities.
    PICO® SMART can either be based on one trolley (all-in-one system) or upon 2 units connected by a wireless device (option)

    ​The pressure channels are compatible both with external transducer for water perfused catheters and solid-state catheters like those manufactured by Unisensor, Gaeltec, Millar and others.
    The easy accessibility to the channels allows the operator to change the kind of transducers according to the need of the study.
    The uroflowmeter is connected to the acquisition board by means of either a cable 8 m long or a wireless module so that it can be put in a private place to make the patient more comfortable.


    Trolley of the all-in-one system has 4 pivot wheels, (2 with brakes) 4 shelves plus one extractable for the keyboard.
    The trolley is provided with an IV shaft to which peripherals such as acquisition unit, catheter withdrawer and others are fixed.

    PICO® SMART can be expanded with the following options:

    Video-urodynamics to combine x-ray or ultrasound images and short movies with the urodynamic tracings.
    Biofeedback for the pelvic floor functional rehabilitation in the urinary incontinence.
    Oesophageal and Anorectal motility: to evaluate the gastrointestinal motility.
    Whitaker Test to study the functioning of the upper urinary tract.
    Cavernosometry to evaluate erectile disorders. (not available in USA)
    Voice to run the system by vocal commands and to record comments during the study
    Module of Nerurophysiology. It evaluates: Pudendal Motor Nerve Latency, Sacral Reflex, simple EMG and quanttative EMG.